At Nano Gas™ Environmental, we take the global water crisis seriously, so we’ve developed a revolutionary water recycling system to help ease this crisis. Even better? This same eco-friendly system will help oil and gas companies turn a higher profit.
Most people may not realize it, but there’s an ongoing water scarcity problem affecting communities on a global scale. According to recent statistics, billions of people suffer from water stress due to poor access to clean, accessible water. Various factors play into this problem, including flooding, droughts, climate change and poor water recycling practices.
Unfortunately, the gas and oil industries have gotten a bad reputation for their produced water problems. Some say that produced water wastes limited natural resources, mainly because little is done with it. Our revolutionary solution is the answer to this problem because it enables produced water to be reused multiple times.
The Problem with Produced Water
Before we can talk about the problem with produced water, you need to understand what it is. Below, we explain what produced water is, why it’s a problem and current methods for dealing with it.
What Is Produced Water?
Simply put, produced water is naturally occurring water that comes out of the ground along with oil and gas during recovery. The composition of produced water varies based on the rocks and soil surrounding it. However, you can commonly find contaminants like oil residue, frac fluids, radioactive materials and dissolved organic compounds.
Why Is It a Problem?
The most obvious problem is that contaminated water of any kind is wasted water. Less obvious, produced water is challenging to treat well enough that it becomes usable again. At least, that’s been the issue thus far, with limited water recycling system options and high associated costs. This is why the way many companies deal with produced water currently is less than ideal.
How Is It Currently Dealt With?
One of the most common ways to deal with produced water currently is through saltwater disposal wells. During this process, produced water is disposed of underground. Unfortunately, saltwater disposal wells have been shown to increase the risk of regional earthquakes. Obviously, a better solution is needed.
The Global Water Crisis
Did you know that one in ten people globally lack access to clean water? The oil and gas industry is far from the only one to blame, but current practices do waste water. Being able to reuse produced water that’s been through a water recycling system can help significantly with the global water crisis.

But climate change is also a significant factor in the global water crisis. This is another area where current methods are contributing. Heavy machinery needed for saltwater well disposal carries a massive carbon footprint. In turn, the impact on the ozone globally is significant. A better produced water treatment is needed that doesn’t require heavy machinery.
The good news? That better produced water treatment is already here and readily available to oil and gas companies willing to make the shift.
Nanobubbles Are a Better Produced Water Recycling System
At long last, there’s an answer to the oil and gas industry’s most pressing question: “How does water get recycled again in a way that’s efficient, cost-effective and eco-friendly?” That solution is our revolutionary technology, nanobubbles.
Nanoscopic Bubbles That Make a Big Difference
Nanobubbles are charged balls of gas five thousand times smaller than a grain of sand. The gas inside these bubbles interacts with various liquids to change its characteristics. In produced water treatment, nanobubbles change the gravity of the involved fluids so the remaining oil and gas float to the top. From here, it’s easily skimmed off.
Our Produced Water Recycling System Takes It a Step Further
But it goes a step further, too. Our nanobubble solution will cause suspended solids to fall to the bottom and help eradicate harmful materials. The results of our produced water recycling system? Water that is clean enough to be reused several times over, thereby reducing the amount of freshwater necessary for oil industry operations.
Benefits of Using Our Water Recycling System
At Nano Gas™ Environmental, we’re here to radicalize how produced water treatment is handled in the oil and gas industry. Instead of a process that presents all the problems discussed above, our produced water recycling system provides multiple benefits.

Environmental Benefits
Our nanobubble solution effectively and cost-efficiently creates reusable resources from produced water. By reducing the amount of new water needed, nanobubbles can help fight the global water crisis one oil well at a time.
Plus, our system doesn’t increase the risk of earthquakes like saltwater disposal wells. Nor does it carry a massive carbon footprint like many produced water treatment techniques.
Greater Oil Recovery Rates
Our produced water recycling system doesn’t just save water – it saves oil, too! Nanobubbles chemically and biologically change the chemistry in produced water, so leftover oil floats to the top. This leads to an increase in oil recovery per well, which helps bolster the global economy.
Increased Profits
More oil per well and lower overhead costs means significantly increased profits for oil and gas companies. Profit increases will vary based on numerous factors but will likely grow over time. There’s nothing better than helping the environment and being able to turn a profit at the same time!
Other Water Reuse System Benefits
Other benefits you can expect from using our revolutionary produced water recycling system include the following:
- Our equipment uses less energy than alternatives
- It’s highly scalable to large volumes
- Zero harmful chemicals are required, reducing environmental hazards
- Equipment is fully automated, so it’s perfect for anyone
- Equipment is designed without membranes so it can work in the dirtiest produced water without clogging
About Using Our Water Treatment System Company
Getting started with our innovative produced water treatment system is easier than you think – and we’re here to guide you every step of the journey. Here’s what you can expect when you contact us about our produced water recycling system:
Thorough Analysis of Your Needs
Every project begins with a thorough analysis of your company’s unique needs. Our solution is fully customizable to meet those needs. During this analysis, we’ll determine how many nanobubbles and what equipment you’ll need.
Completely Automated Equipment Provided
We don’t leave you with a nanobubbler you don’t know how to operate. Instead, we provide a complete produced water recycling system that’s entirely automated. Once one of our experts installs our equipment, it’ll run efficiently on its own and adjust to maintain an optimal level of nanobubbles for your problem.
Consistent Remote Monitoring
Our team will consistently monitor our equipment remotely. We’ll be given information on pH levels, dissolved oxygen contents and other water quality standards. This way, you know your produced water is constantly receiving the most efficient treatment possible.
Expert Guidance from Start to Finish
Have questions about our produced water recycling system? We’re happy to answer your questions and offer expert guidance from beginning to end!
Maintenance and Repair as Needed
We can carry out maintenance and repair tasks as needed, so you don’t have to worry about a thing. At Nano Gas™ Environmental, we truly believe in offering a comprehensive service encompassing everything you need for your produced water treatment.
Start Improving Profits and Helping the Environment Today!
There are many problems with how the oil and gas industry currently handles produced water. Not only are these methods generally wasteful, but they also contribute to regional earthquakes and climate change. Our produced water recycling system doesn’t only solve these problems but provides additional benefits.
Are you ready to begin improving your company’s profits while also helping the environment? Contact us today to learn more and get started! We look forward to hearing from you.