Rarely is the most eco-friendly solution also the most practical and lucrative. At Nano Gas™ Environmental, we’re thrilled to offer a solution that checks off all these boxes in our nanobubbles.
When our founders first learned about nanobubble technology, they quickly realized its incredible transformative potential. It could radically improve the ability of companies and communities to clean up their wastewater in a more cost-effective way. They saw this potential in their mind’s eye, and it inspired them to take nanobubbles and make them even better.
Today, our patented nanobubble solutions are working wonders for multiple industries, including rural wastewater, oil and gas produced water and enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Our customers appreciate the benefits our technology provides, including:
- A complete solution to their problems
- Save money and increase profits
- Seamless integration with their operations
- Environmentally friendly technology
This all sounds great, but you’re probably wondering what Nano Gas™ nanobubbles are and how they accomplish all this. In this post, we will help you understand our innovative solution and how it will provide these benefits for you.
What are Nano Gas™ Nanobubbles?
Let’s start with the basics. Our nanobubbles are balls of gas that are 5,000 times smaller than a grain of sand. We create these tiny gas balls using a special nanobubble generator and inject them into a liquid to change its biological, chemical and/or physical characteristics.
Because our bubbles are so small, they do not float to the surface of a liquid and pop, as larger bubbles do. Instead, they remain suspended in liquid for weeks at a time to provide thorough, long-term treatment.
Each nanobubble also has an electron charge, which repels them from one another. So, instead of all congregating in one spot, the tiny gas balls spread uniformly throughout the liquid to provide even and complete transformation.
Our bubbles have several characteristics that set them apart from similar solutions. Namely, we generate them at extremely large volumes using any gas, and they don’t clog when generated in polluted water. We’ll take a closer look at each of these features below.
Generate at Extremely Large Volumes
We use a generation technique that produces exceptionally high concentrations of nanobubbles in a single pass. This allows us to inject liquid with 3,500 times more gas than water usually holds. Other nanobubble generators must run multiple times to come close to the number of bubbles we’re able to produce.
Because of this, our technology is more time efficient and eco-friendly than that of our competitors. Most importantly, the more gas you inject in a liquid, the more effective it is at achieving your desired transformative results.
Several Different Gases for Various Applications
Our nanobubbles are also uniquely adaptable in that we can create them using virtually any gas. This ability comes in handy because different industries require different gases to achieve their goals. For example, we use nitrogen gas to treat produced water and enhance oil recovery, whereas oxygen and air are more suitable for rural wastewater treatment.
In contrast, competing nanobubble creation techniques like cavitation and ultrasound only work with existing water. Because of this, they can only create bubbles with hydrogen and oxygen and are of no help for applications requiring other gases.
No Clogging in Polluted Water
Another advantage of our nanobubble generation process is it doesn’t clog up when creating bubbles in dirty water.
Other methods encounter this problem because they generate bubbles by passing water through membranes, which are barriers with tiny holes in them. This process works fine when the water they use to create the bubbles is pure. However, polluted water leaves behind contaminants on the membranes and clogs them over time.
We’re able to avoid this problem because we don’t use membranes to create our bubbles. Instead, the Nano Gas™ generator successfully produces nanobubbles in even the dirtiest water. Because of this, we’re uniquely positioned to provide solutions for industries with extremely polluted wastewater, such as the oil industry and rural sewage lagoons.

How Do Our Nanobubbles Work to Benefit You?
We’re proud of the innovative nanobubble technology we’ve been able to create, but of course, it means nothing if it doesn’t make a difference in other peoples’ lives. Fortunately, we’ve already used our solution to positively impact the industries we serve in several ways.
Here’s an overview of the four ways we make a difference for oil and gas companies and communities with facultative lagoons:
A Complete Solution to Your Problems
At Nano Gas™ Environmental, we don’t just provide the nanobubble generation equipment. More than that, we also partner with our customers to identify the root causes of their problems and craft a custom solution featuring our nanobubbles. We then provide any additional technology necessary along with the nanobubble generator and assist in implementing the solution to ensure the plan is successful.
We can adapt our versatile nanobubbles to any biological, chemical or physical changes our customers need to make.
One of the most common biological changes for our rural wastewater lagoon clients is increasing beneficial microbial growth. Sludge builds up on the bottom of sewage lagoons when there are not enough microbes to consume it all.
We fix this by injecting high concentrations of oxygen nanobubbles into the lagoon. Since the bubbles are so small, they easily get through the porous membranes of the microbes to enhance their growth. The microbes consume the organic sludge over time as a result.
We also use chemical changes to offset dangerous chemicals found in contaminated fluids like produced water from oil recovery. Because the bubbles are so small, they’re incredibly reactive with chemicals. When our bubbles interact with the toxic hydrogen sulfide in produced water, they add an electron to it and transform it back into water. In this way, we make all that contaminated water reusable again.
One of the most valuable physical changes our nitrogen bubbles can create takes place in unproductive oil wells. The tiny nitrogen balls attach to the geology in the well and kick off all the oil that was clinging to it. This drastically increases the amount of oil that companies can recover as a result.
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Save Money and Enhance Profits
Naturally, the transformations our bubbles cause have all sorts of positive financial ramifications for our customers. Rural communities save a fortune by cleaning their lagoons with our technology rather than having them dredged. Most small towns can’t afford the million-dollar cost of dredging. Our solution costs a tiny fraction of what they would have paid.
We also help oil industry customers save money as a less expensive alternative to many oil and gas water treatment techniques. Saltwater disposal wells and water treatment chemicals often run the bill up past six figures, whereas our equipment can save them tens of thousands of dollars.
Not only do we save oil and gas companies money, but we also drastically increase their profits by helping them recover more oil. Our enhanced oil recovery method has increased oil production by as much as 540%, and our produced water treatment makes it possible to recover vast amounts of oil from wastewater.

Seamlessly Integrate with Your Operations
Our solutions also do not interrupt our clients’ day-to-day operations. Rather we’re able to incorporate our nanobubble technology into their existing infrastructure. This is particularly true for our produced water clients. We use the same old skimming tanks they’ve always used; however, they skim much more effectively because our nanobubbles enhance the process.
We also don’t cause any operation stoppages for our rural sewage lagoon clients. The community can continue to use their sewage system just as it did before even as we treat the lagoon. In this way, our treatment is a lot more convenient than dredging, which requires all sewage usage to stop while cleaning takes place. This is especially important for residents of remote rural towns, who have no other option if their septic system is out of order.
Protect the Environment
Finally, Nano Gas™ nanobubbles are a truly eco-friendly way to solve major environmental problems. Our generators generate more efficiently can effectively treat contaminated water without the use of harsh chemicals.
Moreover, our solution makes environmentally hazardous practices unnecessary, such as disposing of produced water in underground disposal wells. This practice has led to earthquakes in Oklahoma and Texas. By transforming that toxic water into clean reusable water, we reduce the amount of water disposed and thus reduce the risk of earthquakes.
Our company is also on a mission to make abandoned oil wells productive again. Hundreds of thousands of wells sit abandoned in this country, and many of them still have oil left to give. Unfortunately, traditional oil recovery methods can’t get that oil, and as the wells sit dormant, they emit methane and other dangerous gases. Our tiny nanobubbles can access the hard to reach oil in these wells and push it to the surface to make it recoverable.
Interested in Our Nanobubble Solutions?
As you can see, Nano Gas™ nanobubbles have the unique ability to effectively clean even the dirtiest water and recover more oil. We use this technology to craft custom solutions that make our clients more money, seamlessly integrate with their operations and protect the environment.
If your company or community is interested in working with Nano Gas™ Environmental, please reach out. Our team would be happy to discuss how we can adapt our technology to solve your problems. Please call (832) 903-5961 or click the link below to contact us today.